Broward's #1 Pressure Washing & Exterior Cleaning Experts!
We specialize in Soft Wash Roof Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Window Cleaning, and Gutter Cleaning to keep your home looking spotless.
Our professional team delivers top-quality results with safe and effective cleaning methods.
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We use a soft washing method to clean roofs, which is safe for the top and the environment. This method also protects your investment by extending the life of your roof. We would be pleased to add you to our list of satisfied customers! Customer satisfaction is our top priority, so we strive to provide the best possible service.
Let the light shine in with BKB Pressure Cleaning! Our professional window cleaning removes dirt, streaks, and grime for crystal-clear views. We use safe, effective techniques to leave your windows spotless inside and out, enhancing your home’s beauty and brightness. Trust BKB for streak-free, sparkling windows every time!
BKB Pressure Cleaning is your one-stop shop for all your gutter cleaning needs! We have been in business since 2010 and have served thousands of satisfied customers. We offer a wide range of gutter cleaning services to residential and commercial customers.
We offer a comprehensive driveway cleaning services. We use state of the art of equipment to get rid of the mold and mildew stains on your driveway. Sometimes your car may leak oil and stain the driveway. Well we can clean that. rojects look prettier than ever before.
Keep your property spotless with BKB Pressure Cleaning! Our general pressure washing services remove dirt, grime, and stains from driveways, patios, decks, and more. Using safe and effective techniques, we restore surfaces to their original shine, enhancing your home’s curb appeal and cleanliness. Trust BKB for a pristine finish every time!
Transform your property with BKB’s professional painting services! Whether it’s interior or exterior, we deliver flawless results with attention to detail and quality. Enhance your home’s beauty and value with vibrant, long-lasting finishes. Trust BKB to bring your vision to life and make your space look brand new!
Restore your home’s beauty with BKB Pressure Cleaning! Our professional house pressure washing removes dirt, mold, and grime, protecting your home from damage and boosting curb appeal. With safe, effective techniques and a commitment to quality, we’ll leave your home sparkling clean. Trust BKB to make your property shine like new!
We are the best commercial pressure washing service. We service clients like Home Depot, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Floor and Decor, U.S. Postal Service just to name a few. Do not take our word for it, a quick read of our testimonials and reviews will cement that. Let BKB Pressure Cleaning take care of all your pressure washing needs.
Revive your stucco with BKB Pressure Cleaning! Our specialized stucco pressure washing removes dirt, mold, and stains without damaging the surface. Using safe, effective techniques, we restore your stucco’s beauty while protecting its integrity. Trust BKB to enhance your home’s curb appeal and keep your stucco looking like new!
Our Company motto is: Excellent Communication, Prompt Service, and Honest Upfront Pricing. Elevate Your Experience Today!
Our Reviews reflect our company motto.
BKB Pressure Cleaning services consistently gives a 5 star service to our customers by being reliable, professional pressure washing techs and quality of work.
Our customers appreciate how thorough and detail oriented our team is. We ensure every job is completed to a high standard.
Repeat customers and recommendations from neighbors suggest a strong trust and satisfaction with our services.
We offer the best exterior cleaning service to remove dirt from roofs, patios, driveways, sidewalks. Pressure washing is the preferred method for exterior cleaning. It can remove the toughest contaminants from every surface: roofs, patios, driveways, sidewalks —You name it! When done right, it can not be beaten. If you’re looking for the best results, then hire the best pressure washer. That is where we come in. We are a pressure washing service that cares about service. BKB Pressure Cleaning LLC is family owned and operated since 2018.
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High-End Equipment
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Monday through Sunday
8:00am - 8:00pm