About Us

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Contact Info

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope United States

+0989 7876 9865 9


For a Wide Range of Areas in South Florida

Expert Pressure Cleaning Services

Commercial Pressure Cleaning is a service provided to the exterior of commercial properties. We use high pressure water and sometimes low pressure water to clean the exterior walls, roofs and windows of buildings. The buildings come in all shapes and sizes from Office and Medical Buildings to strip malls we clean them all. We use chemicals that are proven to be safe and effective at removing dirt, debris, mildew and algae. Typically done on a yearly basis we can help you with low cost maintenance programs for keeping the property beautiful and extending the life of the paint. The cleaner a building is the better it looks and the more attractive it is to your customers.

Uses high/low pressure water and safe chemicals to clean commercial exteriors.
Offers low-cost programs to extend paint life, enhancing property appeal.

Industrial pressure washing

Industrial pressure washing requires the right equipment, detergents and training to successfully clean the tough grime, grease and dirt that industrial settings attract. Our patented, state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment is designed to clean the most delicate surfaces to industrial oil spills and every surface in-between.

Our industrial power washing services remove all sorts of contaminants including:

  • Graffiti
  • Dirt & Grime Build-up
  • Atmospheric Pollution
  • Oil & Grease Build-up & Spills
  • Trust BKB Pressure Cleaning to Clean All Areas of Your Facility
Like many skilled professions, there’s a science behind what we do. We have the skills to tackle the most demanding surfaces and hard-to-remove dirt, debris and grime. Specifically applying the precise pressure and cleaning agents for each job, you’re assured a clean result without damaging property.

To be a professional industrial pressure washing service

BKB Pressure Cleaning trains it employees to that quality is the first and foremost. Second is our no compromise rule that safety is #1 . We believe if we are protected then so are you our customer. We require our professionals pressure washers to receives on-going OSHA training and adheres to work site safety practices. We also follow best practices which comply with federal, state and local environmental standards. We take pride in our professionalism and will work with you to get the job done right the first time with as little disruption as possible at the local site.

Industrial pressure washing examples

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